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Covid Travel Package for flights to Shanghai / 前往上海航班的联合筛查检测套餐

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Please fill out the form below. Please bring your Passport with you as proof of identity. Your data is subject to the GDPR and will be processed as described in the privacy policy of Labor-Mustafa at

请填写下表。请携带护照作为身份证明。您的数据将按照 GDPR 以及 Labor-Mustafa 的隐私政策进行处理,详情见

Covid-19 Test Packung

Covid Travel Package for flights to Shanghai / 前往上海航班的联合筛查检测套餐

€ 250,00

(1 PCR-test) / (进行 1 次 PCR 测试)

Personal data* / 个人资料
Please enter an e-mail address
Please enter a first name (no special characters)
Please enter a surname (no special characters)
Please enter a date of birth
Please enter a telephone number (no special characters)
Please enter a street/house number (no special characters)
Please enter a zipcode (no special characters)
Please enter a city (no special characters)
Passport / 护照
Please enter a valid passport number
Payment / 付款

You will be given a QR Code at the registration counter to download your test results online. As a backup, the credentials to the test results portal ( will be sent to your email address. / 您将在登记柜台获得二维码,用于下载线上的检测结果。检测结果网站 ( 的访问凭证将发送至您的电子邮箱作为备份。

I understand/ 本人了解
  • that the PCR test can have a very low but possible error rate. / PCR 检测的错误率很低,但仍可能出错。
  • that the PCR test can also lead to an inconclusive result. In this case the test must be repeated and this could lead to delays. / PCR 检测也可能出现不确定的结果。在这种情况下,必须进行多次检测,从而可能造成延迟。会导致延迟获得检测结果。
  • that the Laboratory Doz. DDr. Stefan Mustafa is not liable for any damages other than personal injury which are caused by slight negligence and result from a delay to deliver the test result. / Doz.DDr.Stefan Mustafa 实验室对于因轻微疏忽而导致的人身伤害和因延迟提供检测结果所造成的后果以外的任何损失概不负责。。

I agree that the laboratory Doz. DDr. Stefan Mustafa / 本人同意 Doz.DDr.Stefan Mustafa 实验室

Please accept our privacy policy

Bitte akzeptieren Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung

Please note: If you do not consent to the above terms, we cannot process your application online. You will still be able to purchase your tests at the counter at the airport. No data will be sent to the Consular Department of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China. / 请注意:如果您不同意上述条款,我们将无法在线处理您的申请。您仍然可以在机场柜台支付检测费用。数据不会发送至中华人民共和国大使馆领事部。

I may revoke my consent(s)at any time by sending an email to with effect for the future. My consent(s) is/are not a requirement to conduct the test. / 本人可以随时通过发送电子邮件至office@labor-mustafa.at以撤销本人的同意,并对未来生效且撤销对未来事件具有效力。检测无需经本人同意

I acknowledge that it is my sole responsibility to obtain the necessary authorizations for entering China, in particular the code for boarding my plane to China, and that the Laboratory will not take any of these steps on my behalf. / 本人确认,本人应自行负责获得进入中国的必要授权,特别是登陆中国航班所需的健康码,且实验室不会代表本人采取任何措施

* Mandatory fields / 必填项
My Order / 我的订单
Labor Doz. DDr. Stefan Mustafa

Covid Travel Package for flights to Shanghai / 前往上海航班的联合筛查检测套餐

  • Covid Travel Package for flights to Shanghai / 前往上海航班的联合筛查检测套餐

    € 250,00

  • Total amount / 总金额

    € 250,00